Wednesday, June 19, 2019

friction playlist 19 june 2019

*henning christiansen - side a - den rode skov (penultimate press)
*christina kubisch - k - voices of memory (farpoint)
*riccardo bandi - 7 - shores (dinzu artefacts)
*søren lyngsø knudsen & birgitte kristensen - side a - the forest organ (private)

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

friction playlist 12 june 2019

*utah kawasaki - untitled (exc) - restless thoughtlessness (basic function)
*lars fredrikson - untitled (exc) - les sons plastiques / frag. 1 (maat)
*jeremie mathes - (exc) - in[core]wat[t] (unfathomless)

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

friction playlist 5 june 2019

*calum gunn  - untitled - slant deviations (conditional)
*scald rougish - U¨^∫∂f4r4g5 / 1_(2^¥˙_•º˙ª_^ 1 - idioal oifrmech (amhain)
*weekend proms - prologo - la razón de la sinrazón (julio sanz vazquez) (private)
*satoshi takeishi - futura - fragments (clang)
*claus poulson and stuart chalmers - the invisible world - the universe unmasked (invisible city)
*akp (pierce warnecke) - the rift that sets - akp (staalplaat)

friction playlist 29 may 2019

*william fowler collins - how horrible it would be - field music (sige)
*vertonen - the shallows / paradox of hounds - send out the call send (ballast)
*marco fusinato - l'origine - l'origine / tema (bocian)